About Us

Accredited Practising Dietitians

Expert Clinical Dietitians

Complex health issues require nutritional tailored approach. Sustaining muscle and a proper body composition results health and longevity.

Body Composition Analysis

Our team is fully equipped with professional body scanners, performing an accurate measurement at each session, ensuring an adequate screening.

We keep you posted

Staying in touch with clients, family members, other health professionals and carers for optimum results and efficacy.
How It's Work

All Levels of Home Aged Care Packages are eligible for our services


Personalised Diet Plans

A nutrition assessment involves the collection and analysis of health-related information for the purpose of identifying specific nutrition problems and their underlying causes.

Liaise with other heath practitioners

Information may be obtained from the medical record, physical examination, laboratory analyses, medical procedures, interview with the patient or caregiver, and consultation with other health professionals.

Professional aproach

A well-conducted assessment allows the dietitian to devise a plan of action to prevent or correct nutrient imbalances or to evaluate whether a particular care plan is working.
Our Services

We come to you

  • Our team is fully equipped with professional & portable body scanners.
  • Use your Home Aged Care Plan and reap health benefits.
  • Nutrition plays a significant role in disease prevention & treatment.

  • These are the steps of our approach:

    Step 01

    Medical History

    A thorough medical history and valuable information (blood test etc) will be obtained from your GP's clinic, soon after the initial session. Additional research, studies and opinions might be necessary.
    Step 02

    Dietary Assessment

    After completing a nutrition assessment, the dietitian identifies existing and potential nutrition problems, a step that requires a careful and objective analysis of the patterns and relationships among the assessment data.
    Step 03

    Body Scan

    Professional and latest technology scanners, will be used (InBody & Tanita). Getting a detailed segmental body composition analysis will allow us to detect potential health issues.
    Step 04

    Dietary Intervention

    Each nutritional problem receives a separate diagnosis, which includes the specific problem, aetiology or cause, and signs and symptoms that provide evidence of the problem.
    Step 05

    Frequent Screening

    Note that a nutrition diagnosis is likely to change over the course of illness due to either a successful nutrition intervention or resolution of the medical problem. Frequent sessions are essential.
    Dietary Care For Every Situation

    Our mission is to provide accurate and highly individualised nutritional services to help you take control of your health.

    Highest Level Expertise

    With 28+ years of experience in a wide range of clinical practice, your team would indeed be well-equipped to ensure an optimum nutritional approach.

    Additional Services will Grow

    By combining personal development, constant research, new technologies, and effective strategies, we can indeed improve and expand our health services.

    Ensure Client Satisfaction

    A tailored and effective approach is key to client satisfaction, especially in the field of healthcare. We take very seriously your concerns.
    About Us

    Eat right and reap health benefits

    Eating right is one of the most effective ways to maintain good health and prevent disease. Here are some of the health benefits of a balanced diet:

    1. Weight Control

    2. Heart Health

    3. Bone Health

    4. Digestive Health

    5. Mental Health

    6. and many more…

    So, eat right and reap the health benefits!

    Our Experts

    Experienced clinical dietitians

    We will access and evaluate your condition, providing dietary advise for normal and clinical cases. Nutritional treatment will improve patients overall health, resulting quality of life and longevity.

    Jordan Psomopoulos – Accredited Practising Dietitian

    Dietitian/ Director

    Jordan is a highly experienced Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) based in Melbourne. With over 28 years of clinical practice, he has been operating a private clinic since 1996. His areas of expertise include: Clinical & Normal Cases: He provides nutritional support for both clinical and normal cases. Sustainable Weight Management: He assists individuals in managing their weight sustainably. Disease Prevention & Management: He offers guidance for the prevention and management of various medical conditions. Tailored Meal Plans: He works with individuals across all age groups to formulate effective and personalized meal plans. By working closely with his clients, Jordan helps them understand and apply beneficial knowledge for a long-term healthy approach and outcome. His dedication to his profession is evident in his commitment to his clients’ health and well-being.

    Contact Us

    Our Locations


    4/ 150 Albert Road South Melbourne, 3205, VIC
    T: (03) 9685 7575
    M: 0435 783 654
    F: 03 9923 6171
    E: info@agedcaredietary.com.au

      Everything you need to support you in your efforts as a Family Caregiver. Give Water, Food & Medicine to change the worlds.

      Contact Info

      4/150 Albert Road, South Melbourne, 3205, VIC

      03 9685 7575, 0435 783 654


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